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How To Generate Leads With Your Website

Written by Vee Tardrew | 14 Jan 2014

78% of Internet users conduct product research online. (Source: HubSpot)

That means that in all likelihood your website will be the first touch point your prospect has with your business.

To harness this potential business, your company website needs to be considered as an extension of the sales and marketing team. A platform that works 24/7 to generate leads for your business.

So what makes a lean, mean lead generation machine of a website? Let's take a look at that now.

Making Sure Your Website is Ready to Rock Conversion

Integrate Your Marketing Software with Your CRM System

HubSpot is our marketing software platform of choice due to it's comprehensive functionality. Plus you needn't be a propeller head to be able to use it either. You are able to manage your website, landing page, forms, social media, email marketing and reporting all in one place which makes your job a whole lot easier. The reason you'd want to have an integrated system like this is so there is no disconnect between the leads being captured on your website and the CRM system used by marketing and sales teams to track and action leads. 

Set Up Clear Conversion Paths

In order to be able to capture leads from your website, you're going to have to generate content that is of value to them. eBooks, checklists or guides that highlight solutions for certain issues they may be facing are classic examples of top of the funnel offers. But in order to be effective these need to be set in a very clear conversion path. This comprises:

  • A Compelling Call-To-Action (CTA)
  • A Landing Page
  • A Thank You Page

These 3 elements work together to generate leads for your business.

Your CTAs should be clear and boldly displayed on all pages of your website and blog, linked to the most relevant content. The need to have a strong call-to-action and encourage visitors to click through and take up your offer.

Landing pages should provide a concise, but detailed overview of what prospects stand to gain from the offer, what they can expect to learn or discover. Omitting site navigation and distracting links on landing pages is effective in focusing readers on the offer at hand and encourages them to complete the form to gain access to the next step. To minimise anxiety and friction, it's a good idea to keep your form requirements to a minimum. You'll be able to build your lead profile with nurturing and additional offers, so only ask for what is required to communicate with them effectively initially. 

The thank you page is where they will be able to download their offer. Don't be afraid to use personalisation on this page to provide an impressive experience. It is also recommended that you include a secondary call-to-action for your lead so they don't have to think about where to go next.

Push For More Traffic

With more traffic comes more potential leads. Effective blogging, search engine optimisation and social media activity can all contribute to increased traffic. 

  • Companies that blog 15 times or more a month are rewarded with 5 times the traffic than those who don't. (Source: HubSpot)
  • On average, companies that blog receive 434% more indexed pages. (Source: HubSpot)
  • Once you write 21-54 blog posts, blog traffic generation increases by up to 30%. (Source: TrafficGenerationCafe)
  • Companies that blog have 97% more inbound links. (Source: Hubspot)

Applying the above tactics will have your website pumping out great quality leads for your sales team. And let's face it, that makes everyone happy! What do you do to generate leads from your website? Have you considered Growth Driven Design? Share your experience in the comments.