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    HubSpot onboarding for all Professional and Enterprise Hubs.

    CRM Implementation

    Multi-site, multi-team, multi-jurisdictional HubSpot rollouts.


    Take control of your content creation with “They Ask, You Answer”


    Partner with our HubSpot Platform Enablement squad to power your RevOps.

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Stop Outsourcing Your Content Creation.

Your business is your best content creator. You've always suspected it. You just didn't know where to start, so you outsourced it thinking they know best. "They" don't. This is the missing ingredient in your RevOps strategy.


Bring your content writing and video production inhouse


Guide your marketing, sales and service teams


Create impactful content that makes a difference


Measure your progress in revenue

a content framework for success

"They ask. You answer." Coaching-as-a-Service for companies who want to level up their RevOps strategy.

"They ask. You answer." or TAYA is the acclaimed content strategy framework popularised by Marcus Sheridan in his book, They Ask. You Answer. Jonathan Wagstaffe, our in-house certified TAYA coach, delivers TAYA coaching for businesses serious about content driving their success with HubSpot.

HubSpot Data migration
Solutions Architecture Design

fire your content agency

Control the content

Without the ability to control the content produced for your business, you are forced to outsource content production, meaning:

  • Your content plan is likely to lack strategy, i.e. a clear approach to winning in your market
  • Your RevOps team is underperforming, and there is probably a lot of finger-pointing when it comes to accountability
  • You're probably publishing a lot of content but have little to show for it
  • Your website doesn't help you sell
Your RevOps team cannot deliver predictable growth unless they take control of the platform and, therefore, the buying experience.

Adopt a framework

Control the narrative

When your RevOps team controls the content, they control more of the narrative.

Your RevOps team will be able to work with your content team to create personalised content experiences that support the buying journey in new ways.

By controlling the content, we direct support to Sales first, giving them the tools they need to create efficient sales processes where leads are prepared and ready to engage effectively.

We then extend the content to earlier stages of the buying journey and to our customers to create that RevOps flywheel.

Tangible results

Control the outcomes.

With your RevOps team in control of the content that powers the platform-driven go-to-market, they control the narrative and therefore, they control the outcomes. We’ll help your RevOps and content team create better digital experiences so that you scale better.

Scaling better means creating predictable growth by bringing your people, platform and processes together so that you:

  • Attract target accounts and convert more better fit leads
  • Engage and nurture leads to shorten sales cycles
  • Close bigger deals
  • Delight your customers to spin your RevOps flywheel faster
Your people are on the same page
Your people are on the same page

TAYA is a framework that touches all aspects of your business to align your people through learning and content

Your salespeople win trust earlier
Your salespeople win trust earlier

By starting the TAYA process by directing resources to support the sales team we see an immediate impact.

You get more from HubSpot
You get more from HubSpot

HubSpot is built to use content to create better digital experiences at every stage of the buyer journey. The better, more impactful your content the better your results.

Your IP generates revenue
Your IP generates revenue

By combining your TAYA efforts with the StrutoSPHERE you will level up your content game and build resources that you can monetise.

Better Content. Better growth.

Take control of your content and supercharge your HubSpot platform to start your path to predictable growth

Step 01 - We’ll build a content roadmap to success together

We'll work with your Leadership, RevOps and Content teams to align on how best to implement TAYA for your business.

We'll run an introductory workshop with a scorecard assessment to measure your current content capabilities and set a starting benchmark for the service. Over the next 18 months, we'll work to transition you to a business that can stand alone and deliver TAYA yourself.

Step 02 - Quarterly workshops

Your certified TAYA coach will run quarterly coaching sessions with all relevant stakeholders from your leadership, RevOps and Content teams.

You'll capture the output of these sessions in your backlog or content plan and together prioritise the focus areas.

Step 03 - Executive coaching

Your TAYA coach will lead an executive coaching session once a month. Your leadership and RevOps teams should attend, and together you will review the progress made so far against the initiative in the current production cycle and against the scorecard.

Step 04 - Content coaching

Your TAYA coach will lead coaching sessions with your content team once a week. You should include subject matter experts in these sessions as it will help them grow in confidence.

Step 05 - Sales training

Your TAYA coach can lead  coaching sessions with your sales team as needed. These sessions are designed to help align your content production to the sales function and help them master the techniques of selling in a TAYA business.

Solution Support

If you buy our products or services you have access to first line support team via our service centre. 

a framework to level up revops

"They ask. You Answer." coaching-as-a-service price

We deliver TAYA in two parts. Part one is an initial workshop, and part two is the ongoing service. We expect to hand over the reins of TAYA to you after about 18 months. For TAYA to run, you need at least one inhouse content writer and one inhouse videographer. Both are full-time roles.

Initial Executive Workshop

Your Taya coach will take you through the drivers for TAYA to help align the framework and its objectives with your people. They run the scorecard assessment and establish the current benchmark by which our progress will be measured.

Starting from:


Monthly coaching

This covers executive workshops once a quarter, monthly executive coaching, content coaching and sales training.

Starting from:


Monthly pricing depends on how quickly you'd like to become self-sufficient with TAYA running in-house and how many people will be coached. 

Want to know more?
Talk to one of our advisors.

Talk to an advisor

Most engagements with us follow a simple 4 step process

How to engage Struto. Start here today.

Step 01

Talk to an advisor. Set up a call with one of our advisory team to gather your initial requirements, close any gaps in your buyer journey so far and plan our next engagement.

Step 02

Conduct a deep dive. We’ll get the right people from our team on a call with you and your key stakeholders to unpack and capture your requirements in more detail.

Step 03

Build a Roadmap. Our product owners will build a roadmap to your success. They’ll estimate the outputs as epics and user stories with estimated budgets and timeframes.

Step 04

Agree Commercials. We agree the roadmap and sign the statement of work that outlines the spirit of our engagement, the budget and number of sprints estimated to deliver the work.

"Immediately, Struto took an interest, not just in the deliverable, but in our vision and strategic intent. They feel nothing like a vendor and everything like a trusted IT partner with their out-of-the-box thinking and technical savviness"

Kate Wellner

Kate Wellner,
Co-Owner and Chief Operating Officer,
Tourney Direct

Innovative HubSpot automation for USA-based sports event organisation

Tourney Direct turned to Struto to assist them in a period of digital transformation; to automate much of their business operations and digitalise processes. The sequential projects were conducted with growth-driven design methodology in mind to allow for maximum business continuity.

Read the full story read_more_icon

Want to know more?
Talk to one of our advisors.

Talk to an advisor