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A Resource Centre Built On HubSpot. Personalised, Targeted Lead Nurturing At Scale.

StrutoRC is a simple yet powerful resource centre that allows you to create personalised lead nurturing experiences for companies and their buying committees. Level up your RevOps strategies and do ABM right with HubSpot.


Segment and target companies in HubSpot


Personalise their learning experience

envelope 1

Nurture engaged leads with email


Speed up the buying process

personalised Lead Nurturing

StrutoRC for HubSpot. A resource centre portal to help power your revops strategy and next-level your ABM.

When we say "resource centre", you probably think, "forms and landing pages", and that's how everyone does it, right?  We think about nurturing leads, minimising the form-filling friction, and creating personalised educational journeys that elevate your brand and accelerate the buying process. Part of the StrutoSPHERE product set, the StrutoRC is designed to work on its own or as part of the StrutoSPHERE, which includes StrutoLMS, a learning management system, StrutoSS, a self-service portal and StrutoCMP, a community management portal.

The lead nurturing experience counts

Control the experience.

Without the ability to control and personalise the lead nurturing process, your RevOps team is missing out on critical differentiators for your brand.

Your brand is likely:

  • Be engaging in high-friction traditional form-filling and email-based lead nurturing
  • Treat all companies that you target the same, offering very generic digital experiences to them and not effectively differentiating between your Tier 1, 2 or 3 targets.
  • Will miss opportunities to augment your lead nurturing with effective assignment selling because of holes in your process

Your team can use StrutoRC as an essential part of the platform driving their RevOps strategy. When they control the platform, they control the lead nurturing experience.

Nurture Your way

Control the narrative.

When your RevOps team controls the lead nurturing experience with StrutoRC, they control more of the narrative.

Your RevOps team will be able to create personalised lead nurturing experiences that build trust with leads earlier in the buying journey and delight them as customers later.

Combine StrutoRC with StrutoLMS to level up the learning experience.

shorten sales cycles

Control the outcomes.

With your RevOps team in control of the lead nurturing platform, they control the narrative and, therefore, they control the outcomes. We’ll help your RevOps team create better digital lead nurturing experiences so that you scale better.

Scaling better means creating predictable growth by bringing your people, platform and processes together so that you:

  • Attract target accounts and convert more better fit leads
  • Engage and nurture leads to shorten sales cycles
  • Close bigger deals
  • Delight your customers to spin your RevOps flywheel faster
Smoother nurturing experiences

Convert your lead once and keep them coming back by offering personalised valuable content. No more forms and landing pages.

Personalised nurturing experiences

By personalising the nurturing experience you can deliver targeted messages to companies or individuals.

Third-party data becomes first-party data

Your data third-party data used to target companies as part of your ABM programme is quickly converted to first-party data as you convert leads.

Accelerated buyer journeys

Less friction in the buying journey means faster buying.

Better Control. Better growth.

Take control and supercharge your HubSpot platform to start your path to predictable growth

Step 01 - We’ll build a platform-driven roadmap to success together

We’ll work with your RevOps team and your fellow stakeholders to determine which components of the StrutoSPHERE are right for your business to support your growth strategy.


This could mean deploying StrutoLMS, StrutoCMP, StrutoSS and StrutoRC as a package or stand-alone applications. We'll determine the budget to be allocated to each roadmap stage. Each component of the StrutoSPHERE has out-of-the-box base functionality, but the real power comes from customising the deployment to meet your users' or customers' needs.

Step 02 - Design and Brand

We’ll work with you on any custom requirements you may require and brand your portal to meet your brand guidelines

Step 03 Customise and Deploy

We’ll develop any customisations required and deploy your components of the StrutoSPHERE on your HubSpot portal. 

Step 04 - Adopt

We’ll train you to create nurturing journeys and personalised experiences for your customers that support their buying journey.

Step 05 - Optimise

We’ll work with you for the long-term to optimise your buying experiences by providing access to future feature launches as well as creating new features for you.

Solution Support

If you buy our products or services you have access to first line support team via our service centre. 

Say hello to one-quarter of the StrutoSPHERE.

StrutoRC is part of the StrutoSPHERE set of applications and is built on HubSpot CMS Enterprise. 

Setup, Customisation & Onboarding

Our Customer Success team will customise and brand your portal so that you deliver a seamless digital experience to your users or customers.

Starting from:


Monthly Subscription & Support

StrutoRC is delivered via a software-as-a-service model, although we ensure that whilst your instance of StrutoRC is uniquely tailored to your business, you still get access to future feature releases and support.

Starting from:


We do not provide fixed costs for deploying StrutoSPHERE applications. The power of the applications lies in the ability to tailor functionality for your business, and use cases vary significantly from business to business.

Want to know more?
Talk to one of our advisors.

Talk to an advisor

Most engagements with us follow a simple 4 step process

How to engage Struto. Start here today.

Step 01

Talk to an advisor. Set up a call with one of our advisory team to gather your initial requirements, close any gaps in your buyer journey so far and plan our next engagement.

Step 02

Conduct a deep dive. We’ll get the right people from our team on a call with you and your key stakeholders to unpack and capture your requirements in more detail.

Step 03

Build a Roadmap. Our product owners will build a roadmap to your success. They’ll estimate the outputs as epics and user stories with estimated budgets and timeframes.

Step 04

Agree Commercials. We agree the roadmap and sign the statement of work that outlines the spirit of our engagement, the budget and number of sprints estimated to deliver the work.

"Immediately, Struto took an interest, not just in the deliverable, but in our vision and strategic intent. They feel nothing like a vendor and everything like a trusted IT partner with their out-of-the-box thinking and technical savviness"

Kate Wellner

Kate Wellner,
Co-Owner and Chief Operating Officer,
Tourney Direct

Innovative HubSpot automation for USA-based sports event organisation

Tourney Direct turned to Struto to assist them in a period of digital transformation; to automate much of their business operations and digitalise processes. The sequential projects were conducted with growth-driven design methodology in mind to allow for maximum business continuity.

Read the story read_more_icon

Want to know more? Talk to one of our advisors.

Talk to an advisor