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    Extend your website to create better digital experiences.


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Get More From Your HubSpot Website, Now, Tomorrow And Always.

Our HubSpot Website Services provide you with access to a team of very experienced HubSpot professionals focused on helping you extract every possible ounce of value from your HubSpot website.  


Websites that attract visitors

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Websites that convert leads


Websites that support the sales cycle

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Websites that go beyond brochureware


HubSpot website and application design and development.

We've been building websites on the HubSpot CMS since its first release in 2013. Since then, we've followed as HubSpot created a CMS that integrates effortlessly with their broader CRM suite to create a robust integrated sales and service engine for your business.

In recent years, we've levelled up our game, also building fully functional applications on HubSpot that solve for our customers and theirs by creating better digital experiences throughout the buying journey.

Our clients appreciate the two approaches we offer to building websites. Option One is an agile-style website project delivered via Scrum in an estimated number of sprints. Option two is called "Growth-Driven Design" and is an annual contract.

Option One

Agile website projects

We use the Scrum agile methodology as a build process and are sprint-based. This means that we'll work with you to understand your budget, and divide your budget into high-level epics such as strategy, design, build and go-live.

Each epic will be divided into user stories to represent the key functional elements of your website and we'll work with you to deliver within those budgets.

A project lead approach is best for companies who:


Have a fixed budget with a contingency budget. You understand that as a customer, you or your stakeholders are most likely to influence how your budget gets used, and your team is comfortable with that


Have a fixed set of deliverables. You and your stakeholders have worked out all the details ahead of the build and whilst we'll use Scrum to accommodate your team changing their minds on some initiatives you can cover those changes in your budget.


Want to manage, scale and improve your website yourself. Your website should evolve with your business as it evolves. The traditional project method assumes you have the skills and time to do so post launch.

Option Two

Growth-driven design

Growth-driven design (GDD) is a fully agile approach to building websites. Rather than redesign your website every 2-3 years, we relaunch with a minimum viable product and scale and optimise your website in monthly sprints over the website's lifetime or until you are happy to maintain, scale and optimise it yourself.

A GDD lead approach is best for companies who:


Want to amortise your costs. Because the initial website launch is typically an MVP you can lower your CAPEX outlay and move the budget into OPEX, paying monthly as we continue to scale and optimise your site.

deploy 1

You want to relaunch quickly. We build you a launchpad website based on the principles of a minimum viable product (MVP). We keep a prioritised backlog and continue to build out your site over time.


We manage, improve and scale your website with you. You want an expert team to help you analyse, scale and manage your website for the future. 

create experiences that grow revenue

Website platforms for RevOps.

Businesses want to build new websites for many reasons. The previous site is perceived to underperform; it’s getting tired and outdated, or you no longer love it.

The best reason, however, is to build a new website when you understand that the website is key to your customer experience; it's not just to attract new visitors and convert them but to play a part in the entire buyer journey.

When you work with struto, you get:

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A proven process to de-risk your website build. Scrum has changed the way we build websites and web applications for the better. Our customers love Scrum.

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We take a platform approach. Some folks want a traditional brochure-style website, and that's great. But if you want to stop leaving money on the table and build something that serves your customers at all stages of the buying cycle, then we have your back.

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Real value from your website because it's on HubSpot. We build websites on the HubSpot CMS only. That's because we believe in the power of platforms. Our customer success team can help you realise value across your buying journey and power your customer experiences with HubSpot

Website platforms for RevOps Teams

Take control of your website platform. Create better customer experiences.

Step 01 - Build a roadmap to a platform-driven website with HubSpot

During the sales process, our advisors will work with you and your fellow stakeholders to determine the right approach to build your website either taking the agile website project vs. a growth-driven design approach. The website product owner will estimate the epics and user stories along with an estimated budget and a number of sprints to complete your website.

Step 02 - Strategy and UX

Most websites and applications will kick off with a strategy and UX epic focused on validating the assumptions made during the road mapping. This step will drive future epics and encourage alignment between the stakeholders.

Step 03 - Design and UI

The baton is passed to the UI team where they will bring the work done. by the UX team to life. This phase is pivotal in a website build and often the point where budgets are stretched as stakeholders change their minds. We'll work with you and your team to accommodate change but keep aligned on budget.

Step 04 - Build and Launch

The development team build your website or application. We'll run a QA process with you and post QA we'll launch your website or application.

Step 05 - 
Scale and Optimise

A website needs to be continually improved. The assumptions made during the strategic phase need to be tested. If you take our growth-driven design option we'll work with you to do this.  

Solution Support

Our website product customers can access our support services when they buy a growth-driven design or a StrutoSPHERE application.

Better Website. Better Business.

HubSpot website and application prices

Naturally, providing you with an accurate estimate of what it will cost to build a website can only be done by talking to one of our advisors. That doesn't mean we can't give you an idea of the budget we work with.

Small works or MVP

This would be the entry-level service that we provide folks working within a tighter budget or looking to use growth-driven design as their preferred approach. 

Starting from:


Hybrid websites

Hybrid websites use a combination of pre-built website frameworks and custom designs to achieve a unique website solution.

Starting from:


Growth-driven design

Growth-driven design websites include an MVP build and an ongoing service. Everyone's idea of what an MVP is in relation to their business goals is different, so budget for somewhere between a small works project and a Hybrid build for this component.

Starting from:


We use Scrum to deliver projects and GDD. This means that all works are broken into epics and user stories to be estimated in sprint points. 

"Immediately, Struto took an interest, not just in the deliverable, but in our vision and strategic intent. They feel nothing like a vendor and everything like a trusted IT partner with their out-of-the-box thinking and technical savviness"

Kate Wellner

Kate Wellner,
Co-Owner and Chief Operating Officer,
Tourney Direct

Innovative HubSpot automation for USA-based sports event organisation

Tourney Direct turned to Struto to assist them in a period of digital transformation; to automate much of their business operations and digitalise processes. The sequential projects were conducted with growth-driven design methodology in mind to allow for maximum business continuity.

Read the story read_more_icon

Most engagements with us follow a simple 4 step process

How to engage Struto. Start here today.

Step 01

Talk to an advisor. Set up a call with one of our advisory team to gather your initial requirements, close any gaps in your buyer journey so far and plan our next engagement.

Step 02

Conduct a deep dive. We’ll get the right people from our team on a call with you and your key stakeholders to unpack and capture your requirements in more detail.

Step 03

Build a Roadmap. Our product owners will build a roadmap to your success. They’ll estimate the outputs as epics and user stories with estimated budgets and timeframes.

Step 04

Agree Commercials. We agree the roadmap and sign the statement of work that outlines the spirit of our engagement, the budget and number of sprints estimated to deliver the work.

Want to know more?
Talk to one of our advisors.

Talk to an advisor