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How to Repurpose Your Sales Videos

Estee Hall | 16 November 2020

A Cisco study established that videos will account for more than 80% of internet traffic. This development should excite sales reps who rely on videos. Chances of people viewing their sales content will increase. But times change, so you’ll need to reinvent the videos to fit the times. You have the option of creating new video clips for the sales process. However, repurposing old videos will be more effective considering the resources you spent to create the content. Repurposing also enables you to benefit from repeated use of a video recording. Dive in for more on the best practices for using videos in the sales process.

What Are Sales Videos?

A picture is worth a thousand words. How much more can a video be? Sales videos is what informs customers what you can offer to them. The use of sales videos is a strategy that entails integrating engaging videos to a sales campaign. The videos can entail anything from product demos to educational content. It all depends on the target market. About 75% of Pinterest users say they will watch videos of topics that interest them. For this reason, sales videos can be effective in enhancing conversions.

The most common sales videos are known as a selfie or webcam video. These are videos which offer a face-to-face connection with the prospect. They are great for building relationships between the prospect and the sales team. These videos are made specifically for a prospect or customer and contain specific references to that client, their company and their challenges.

Why You Need to Repurpose Sales Videos

It takes considerable time to make these videos. The planning, shooting, and editing processes can be frustrating, with your prospect likely only watching the clips once. The return on investment is not a sure bet. 

Incorporating personalised videos into the email affects the click-through rates. It can increase the CTR by almost 300%.

Sales videos will assist in:

  • Engaging viewers: Sales videos engage viewers and personal engagement translates to high response rates.
  • Trust building: Sales videos have a personal touch. They make prospects feel like they know you before you meet. The emotional aspect increases the prospect’s commitment and responses.
  • Time-saving: Using sales videos translates into higher response rates. Therefore, you’ll spend less time selling the product.

How to Repurpose Sales Videos

Leveraging videos for sales is an essential strategy. For the strategy to work, you need to repurpose the video content to resonate with the audience. The key is to create premium content which boosts response rates. 

Some of the ideas that can help include:

Generic Videos for Multiple People

You’ll need to think big and smart when making the first video content for the company. Making these videos can be time-consuming. You have to be strategic and create something you can share across multiple platforms. 

The first step is writing a quality script for the video. Identify the key areas to cut and segment from the script. You can then distribute these clips all over the company's social platforms. The content of the video should be general but good enough to capture the attention of people. Doing this will give you wider access to prospects on different platforms.

Sending Personalized Videos to Individuals Via Email and LinkedIn 

Sending the videos via email is the standard MO. Adding the same video in a LinkedIn InMail to send to the same prospect, can improve the chance of the video being watched. 

Smaller Snippets for a Wider Reach

A simple way of repurposing videos is to break them into snippets. Different social media platforms allocate a fixed duration for sharing videos. For instance, Instagram restricts the duration to one minute. Cut your 1 to 1 sales videos in snippets to fit these durations. 

Demo Videos on Blog Posts

People watch a cumulative of 100 million hours of videos daily. This is just on Facebook. The figures are mind-blowing if we consider all social platforms. The point is, people prefer to watch rather than read about stuff. 

Take advantage of this by including demo videos on a blog post. The blog should give a brief synopsis of what the video is all about. The demo video should take care of explaining and answering possible FAQs from the audience. The goal is to generate enough interest in the prospect that translates into a response.

Adding Marketing Videos into the Sales Proposals

Make your sales proposals stand out by using videos. Most professionals are busy since they receive hundreds of written proposals daily. Reading lengthy proposals can be tiresome and discouraging. Adding a quick sales video to the proposal will save the professional time. Personalized videos on proposals create an instant connection. They convey the message precisely making the likelihood of getting a response high. 

Creating Customer Testimonial Videos for Sales and Marketing

Customer testimonials are video reviews by previous customers of your product. Research shows that close to 85% of customers look at reviews before buying. Customer testimonials can be great in persuading clients to take action. These testimonials increase the brand’s credibility and trustworthiness.  A testimonial video will also act as an explainer video. This is the case when it explains the processes and benefits of the product to others. You can deploy testimonial videos on multiple platforms to drive sales and marketing. These include landing pages and social media platforms.

The Bottom Line

Driving sales through video content is the way to go. Most people prefer to watch videos rather than read about products. Get creative by repurposing your content in different ways. It will enable you to drive sales across multiple platforms. There are so many ways to repurpose your content. You can choose from creating customer testimonial videos, video demos for blogs or sending personalized videos through mails. Try it today.

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