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Using Video in Your Sales Process

Estee Hall | 12 November 2020

With the rapid advancement in technology, videos are becoming an essential source of entertainment and information. Many people would rather watch a 5-minute video summary about something than spend 20 minutes reading through a text explanation. 

Businesses have come to understand and appreciate the value of video and its effectiveness in creating long-lasting brand awareness, increasing customer engagement, and sales conversions. Unlike other mediums, video in sales creates an impression of having a human and personal touch behind the content. It is far easier to use empathetic strategies such as tonal variation and facial expression while using video than in any other medium. 

What Are the Benefits of Using Video in Your Sales Process?

Video boosts conversion rates. According to Hubspot, including a video on a landing page increases the conversion rate by 80%.  Unlike plain text, a compelling video is highly likely to influence a buyer’s decision and persuade them to convert into a customer. 

A Video Is an Invaluable Tool in Your Email Strategies

On average, at least 120 business emails are sent and received every day per person. Of these emails, only a handful are opened and read. Sending plain text amid the many emails sent on a daily service means that your email is more than likely going to be ignored. 

However, according to Vidyard, a mere mention of the word “video” in the subject line, increases open rates by 800%. Now imagine having an actual video in an email.  According to Wistia, the use of videos in emails can lead to 2-3 times increase in click rates. These staggering statistics show how effective videos can be in expressing intent and creating impact in a way that plain text can't. 

Video Builds Trust and Credibility

At the core of conversions and sales is trust. Through effective videos, you can engage a potential customer in a way that creates confidence and dispels any fear and scepticism. Even better is the fact that videos create a sense of personalised approach which fosters trust and credibility. 

Video Appeals to Mobile Users

Let’s face it. It is in our nature to share funny viral videos with others. In this age of viral videos, it is such a great chance to use humour to showcase what your product is all about. By using interesting video content about your company and product, you rest assured that the video will reach a considerably wide audience.  

Video Can Enhance Understanding and Spark Interest

Whether you are launching a new product or are trying to explain a difficult concept, videos can come in handy. People find it easy to understand and relate to a product or service when they watch an explainer video about it. According to Lemonlight.com, viewers retain 95% of the content they watch but only 10% when they read the same content. To get a little more interesting, animated videos are a sure way of getting you positive results. 

Videos Can Help Eliminate Repetitive Conversations and Tasks

Sales reps are often stuck in the cycle of answering the same questions over and over. By using video, you can curate responses to the frequently asked questions and send them directly to their emails. For any client who asks a similar question in future, you will not have to address the question again. This strategy saves time and ensures that every client's concerns are addressed. 

Videos, Calls or Emails? How Can You Determine When to Use Which in Sales?

Whether you are making the first contact with a prospect or following up after sales, different approaches can be more effective than others. In whichever stage of sales conversion, the sales rep will want to use a method that a prospect or client will be most responsive to. 

While videos, emails and calls are effective methods of engaging buyers, they differ in terms of volume and directness. If you are looking for an effective way of gathering direct and immediate responses, calls are a great way of engaging clients. They are very personal and dynamic with respect to a prospect’s or client’s needs. 

That said, cold calls are not entirely a good fit for all situations. Sometimes, they can come off as intrusive. If you constantly inundate your prospects with cold calls, it can take a toll on your company’s reputation. Besides, they are more expensive especially when you need to reach a wider audience. 

It is practically impossible to schedule face-to-face meetings with all prospective buyers. To reach an extensive audience, emails seem to be ideal. Approximately 78% of all sales reps do their prospecting via emails, according to Hubspot. Emails are less intrusive and have the capacity to communicate intent compellingly. 

However, plain text emails cannot evoke the same human connections present in the videos. Therefore, video in sales makes it easy to scale activities and provide a great level of service at the same time. According to Vinyard, video emails are a sure way to break through inboxes, get a response, and book a meeting with prospects.

What Type of Sales Video to Use?

Videos are useful in every stage of the sales cycle to capture attention and deals. Here are the different ways you can use video in the different stages of sales conversion.

Prospecting Videos

Video in sales can be very effective during the prospecting process. A prospect client doesn't know you, and on top of that, you are competing with others to grab their attention. Videos are a great way of getting your prospect’s attention and at the same time building value. This way, you will spark their interest and curiosity in buying your product.

Sales Proposal Videos

Sales proposal videos are meant to give a client insight into the business process and enhance their understanding of what you are pitching. To create a fun, informative and engaging explanation of your business and products, sales proposal videos can either be in form of explainer videos or animated whiteboard videos.

Demo Videos

These are videos that illustrate how your product works through demonstration. When introducing a product or when you want to highlight a feature, a demo video can be handy. They are a great way of engaging with leads in a personalised way.

Follow Up Videos

After a sale, sales reps often forget to keep in touch with their customers. Follow up videos are a perfect way of appealing to the client's emotions by thanking them for their support and giving them further information regarding the product. By touching base with your customers after-sale, you increase the chance of customer retention and loyalty. 

Revolutionise Your Sales Strategy with Videos

Videos can revolutionise your sales strategy. According to Cisco, approximately 80% of all the internet traffic would be video by 2023. It then makes sense to add videos to your current sales and marketing efforts to avoid falling behind the curve.

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